Diet & Nutrition

Roczen's Vegan & Vegetarian Guide

Roczen Vegan & Vegetarian Guide

The Roczen Nutrition Guidelines are designed to apply to everyone, accommodating a wide range of dietary preferences and needs, including those of vegetarians and vegans. This article serves as a guide to help vegetarians and vegans adapt the principles of the Roczen programme to align with their dietary choices. It’s important to highlight that the guidelines can be adapted to meet your nutritional needs and health goals, without compromising the effectiveness of our approach.

One of the fundamental shifts when adapting these guidelines to vegetarian and vegan diets involves carbohydrate intake. Many plant-based protein sources, such as beans, lentils, and whole grains, are inherently higher in carbohydrates. This slight deviation from the typical low-carb approach during the Reset phase does not necessarily compromise the effectiveness. Instead, it emphasises higher protein carbohydrates that offer sustained energy release which are packed with fibre, aiding satiety (or fullness) and digestive health. Therefore, vegetarians and vegans might find their carbohydrate intake slightly higher, but still healthy.


Adapting the protein part of your diet is crucial. When following a vegetarian diet, you might include eggs and dairy products like Greek yoghurt and cheese, which are excellent protein sources. On the other hand, you can rely on quinoa, tofu, tempeh, and a variety of legumes for a vegan diet. As noted in the guidelines, these swaps ensure sufficient protein intake which is essential for muscle maintenance and managing hunger levels throughout the day.


Vegetarians and vegans should continue to include healthy fats as per the guidelines, which are pivotal in satiety and overall health. Sources like avocados, nuts, seeds, and plant-based oils such as olive or flaxseed oil are excellent choices. These fats improve the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and contribute to the flavour of meals, making your food and overall diet more enjoyable.

Calcium and vitamin B12

Particular attention should be given to micronutrients typically less abundant in vegetarian and vegan diets, such as calcium and vitamin B12. Fortified plant milk can be beneficial for calcium when following a vegan diet, while B12 could be supplemented through fortified foods, as this vitamin is primarily found in animal products. If you are concerned about potential deficiencies, then your clinician can advise you on this.

Recipe adaptations

Vegetarians and vegans can adapt the Roczen recipes by substituting meat with vegetarian or plant-based proteins. For instance, a lunch that includes chicken breast could be replaced with eggs, cheese, tempeh or tofu. Likewise, a dinner containing minced meat could switch the meat to lentils or plant-based mince. Your mentors and Champions in the group are a great source of information for recipes. Sharing ideas and asking for inspiration is exactly what the groups are for, so we encourage you to utilise this throughout the programme

Dealing with challenges

Adapting to a new way of eating can bring challenges, and it’s ok if there are parts of the guidelines which don’t seem to fit in with your dietary needs or preferences.. Remember that the guidelines and food guide are there to guide, and are ultimately just a starting point. If things aren’t working for you then we’re to help tailor them around your individual needs - just reach out to us for support!


Transitioning to a vegetarian or vegan adaptation of the Roczen Nutrition Guidelines requires some adjustments, particularly around the protein and carbohydrate advice, it remains a proven and effective way to support long-term change for better health. By focusing on whole, unprocessed foods and maintaining a balanced intake of nutrition, vegetarians and vegans can successfully meet their health goals while adhering to their dietary preferences.

August 31, 2023
Written by
Robbie Green
Reviewed by
Dr. Claudia Ashton

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