Simple Guide for Managing Stress
Why is stress management important whilst on your Roczen plan?

  • Stress can trigger emotional eating:
    When you're stressed, your body releases cortisol, a hormone that can increase your appetite and trigger cravings for high-fat and high-sugar foods. This can make it harder to stick to a healthy eating plan and can lead to weight gain. 
  • Stress can interfere with sleep:
    Poor sleep is associated with weight gain and can also make it harder to resist unhealthy foods. Managing stress can help improve sleep quality and quantity, which can support weight loss efforts. 
  • Stress can lead to inflammation:
    Chronic stress can lead to inflammation in the body, which has been linked to weight gain and other health issues. Managing stress can help reduce inflammation and support overall health. 
  • Stress can affect motivation:
    When you're stressed, it can be harder to stay motivated and focused on your goals. Managing stress can help you feel more energised and motivated, which can support your efforts during your Roczen journey.

What can I do to help manage my stress levels? 

If you're feeling stressed, whether due to work or personal reasons, the first step towards feeling better is to identify the underlying cause of your stress. It's important to try to avoid turning to unhealthy coping mechanisms and instead to incorporate positive coping strategies into your daily routine. 

Here are 10 tips to help you manage your stress:

  1. Get moving
    While exercise may not eliminate stress entirely, it can help alleviate some of the emotional intensity you may be experiencing. Engaging in physical activity can help clear your mind, allowing you to tackle problems with a greater sense of calmness. It also causes release of ‘happy hormones’, helping you combat any stress induced low mood. You’ll get fitter and feel healthier in the process!
  2. Empower yourself
    Believing that you cannot address your problems can increase your stress levels, leading to feelings of helplessness or loss of control. Taking steps to regain control can reduce stress and boost empowerment. By finding a solution that works for you and taking control of the situation, you can build resilience and enhance your overall sense of satisfaction. It can help to break down problems into smaller chunks. If you feel like you don’t know where to begin, talk to your Roczen clinician. 
  3. Connect with people 
    Having a supportive network of colleagues, friends, and family can help ease stress and provide a fresh perspective on challenges. Spending time engaging in relaxing activities with friends can promote stress relief. Talking through work troubles with a trusted friend may also provide new insights and potential solutions to problems. 
  4. Prioritise self care
    Working long hours can leave us with little time for enjoyable activities. Prioritising time for socialising, relaxation, or exercise is important for our well-being. One idea is to set aside a few nights each week for personal time to unwind and engage in activities we enjoy, away from work.
  5. Step out of your comfort zone
    Establishing new goals and challenges, such as learning a new skill or taking up a new sport, can boost your confidence, help manage stress and  it can also inspire you to be more active.  
  6. Plan your meals and opt for healthier choices
    Give preference for healthy foods like nuts, seeds, lean protein, whole grains and vegetables. Make sure you drink plenty of water and herbal teas to keep you well hydrated. Don’t rely on alcohol, smoking and caffeine to cope with stress. This might provide temporary relief but long term doesn't work and can make things worse. 
  7. Help others
    Research has shown that individuals who engage in activities like mentoring, volunteering or community work tend to develop greater resilience.
  8. Keep a positive mind
    Mindfulness activities like yoga, meditation and breathing techniques can help to calm your mind. Practice gratitude by focusing on the good things in life and things that you appreciate. Consider writing down three positive events or things that you are grateful for at the end of each day. Research shows that this practice, sometimes known as ‘gratitude journaling’ really does help to improve mood.  
  9. Let go of what you can’t control
    It's not always feasible to alter a challenging situation so try not to dwell on the elements that you cannot control. Try to direct your attention towards the aspects you have influence over.
  10. Prioritise sleep
    Sleep deprivation can lead to decreased resilience to stress and weight gain. Ensure you’re getting enough sleep each night and consider a wind-down routine before bed where you avoid bright lights, devices and instead opt to have a hot bath, read a book or do some breathing exercises.

Don’t forget to ask for help from your Roczen clinician, GP or your local occupational health service if things are getting on top of you, and you want further advice regarding stress management. 

December 4, 2023
Written by
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Epel, E. S., Puterman, E., Lin, J., Blackburn, E. H., Lazaro, A., Mendes, W. B., & Wolkowitz, O. M. (2013). Wandering minds and aging cells. Clinical Psychological Science, 1(1), 75-83. doi: 10.1177/2167702612460234 

Stults-Kolehmainen, M. A., & Sinha, R. (2014). The effects of stress on physical activity and exercise. Sports Medicine, 44(1), 81-121. doi: 10.1007/s40279-013-0090-5 

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