Groups FAQs


This document is designed to provide you with valuable information and answers to common questions about Roczen Groups, different roles within groups, and community engagement.

1. What are Groups?

Groups are the Mentor-led, peer support channel available to you within the Roczen App. Groups connect Mentors, Champions and Patients to one another, allowing you to interact via written messages. Over time, you’ll also receive carefully selected articles, practical tips and helpful information about metabolic health. 

2. Who are Mentors and what is their role?

The Mentor is a lead figure for you in your Group.  Mentors draw upon health coaching experience and in-depth knowledge of Roczen to support you through their clinical programmes. Their role is to empower, educate and motivate you whilst ensuring a safe environment that contributes to their overall health and well-being.

3. What is the role of Champion within my Group?

Champions are fellow Roczen patients who have been on the same Roczen programme as you, and they want to support others on their journeys. Their role is to use their first hand knowledge of the Roczen programmes, and their lived experience of chronic conditions, to help others to reach their goals. They provide a perspective that other patients may be able to relate to, fostering trust and understanding.

4. How are Groups structured and what can I expect?

Groups consist of 25 to 50 peers at similar stages of the programme. We acknowledge that not everyone will want to contribute to the conversation, but they may still benefit from reading and hearing of others' experiences. We wish Groups to foster a sense of community, provide support, and offer guidance. You can expect useful discussions, informative content, peer support, privacy, and access to additional resources such as live monthly webinars.

5. Is a direct message available to communicate with my mentor?

Not currently, within Roczen Groups, the feature for 1:1 messaging with Mentors is not available. However, you can continue to send 1:1 messages to your clinician for any specific medical or clinical concerns. 

6. How can I report abuse or inappropriate behaviour within my Group?

You can flag messages as abusive or inappropriate through the App by clicking on the specific. Flagged messages undergo review by the Clinical and support teams, who will take the appropriate actions such as warnings or removals

7. What happens if someone is removed from a Group?

If someone is removed due to inappropriate behaviour, a standard message is shared with the Group. The removed participant loses access to current and future Group activities.

8. How often do Mentors engage with us?

Mentors aim for minimum weekly engagement, but will also adapt to the Group's specific needs and respond to any inbound questions. Additionally, monthly live webinars contribute to a stronger community connection by offering patients an opportunity to ‘meet’ their mentor, Champions, and each other and to learn about topics relevant to their Roczen journey.  

9. Is there a code of conduct for being part of a Group?

Yes, the code of conduct emphasises kindness, active engagement, respect, confidentiality, and positive feedback. It guides the participants on how to maintain a supportive and respectful community. It can be found in full here

10. Is it a requirement for me to send messages in my Group?

While active participation is encouraged for a richer experience, there's no requirement for you to post messages in the Groups. You have the flexibility to engage at your own pace, in a way that makes you feel comfortable.. You will get the most benefit from Groups if you participate in the conversation and contribute when you have insights to share or questions to ask, but your level of engagement is ultimately at your discretion.

11. Do I have to be in a Group? 

No, it's not mandatory, however, we do strongly recommend joining for the valuable support and community. If you decide you want to opt out, please contact your clinician who will be able to action this for you.

12. How can I seek additional support or clarification?

You can reach out to the support team at for any queries, concerns, or additional assistance. The support team is dedicated to ensuring a seamless Roczen experience. For any clinical queries please contact your Roczen Clinician via the app. 

February 12, 2024
Written by
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