Press Ups
Level 2
What will this movement help with?
- Press ups strengthen your shoulders and helps prevent shoulder injuries which can be caused due to both activity or inactivity
- Any ‘pushing’ movements such as pushing a trolly, closing a door or moving furniture
- General upper body strength
Muscles worked
- Pecs (your chest muscles)
- Triceps (back of your arms)
- Deltoids (your shoulder muscles)
You need a chair to lean on for this movement
On Chair | 10-15 Repetitions
Step 1
Kneel on the floor with your hands just wider than shoulder width apart on the edge of your chair
Step 2
Brace your tummy like someone is going to poke your stomach and keep your shoulders back with your chest up
Step 3
Keeping your elbows roughly 45 degrees between your shoulders and your sides, lower your chest as low to the chair as you can
Step 4
Straighten your arms to “push” the chair away and return to your starting position. Don’t lock your elbowsIf this feels ok, straighten your body and come up onto your feet rather than your knees. Keep your feet just wider than hip width apart (or a comfortable distance for you)
Step 5
Repeat the initial movement on your feet, lowering your chest to the chair and returning to your start position
- The wider your knees/feet are the easier it is as you’re making a wider base for support
- This same movement can also be done on a wall rather than a chair