Forwards Hamstring Stretch
Level 1
What will this movement help with?
- Warming up your hamstrings at the back of your legs
- This helps to loosen off the muscles in your legs and makes sure they are warm and ready to move!
Muscles worked
- Hamstrings (the back of your legs)
You might want a chair, wall or similar for this movement
Step 1
Hold onto your chair, wall or similar at your side and keep your feet just wider than hip width apart (or a comfortable distance for you)
Step 2
Brace your tummy like someone is going to poke your stomach and keep your shoulders back with your chest up
Step 3
Standing on one leg (keep it straight but don’t lock out your knee), lift the other leg a few centimetres in front of you and rest your heel only on the ground. This front leg should be straight
Step 4
Keeping your chest and shoulders up, gently push your hips back behind you
Step 5
You should feel a stretch in the back of the straight leg in front of youHold this for 10-15 seconds then relax and return to your starting position
Step 6
Repeat on your other leg