Level 1
Warm Up & Mobility
Arm Swings
What this movement will help with
  • Warming up the front and back of your upper body along with your shoulders
  • This helps to loosen off the muscles and make sure your upper body is warm and ready to move!
Muscles worked
  • Deltoids (your shoulders)
  • Pecs (your chest)
  • Rhomboids & Lats (your back)
Backwards & Forwards

Step 1

Keep your feet just wider than hip width apart (or a comfortable distance for you)

Step 2

Brace your tummy like someone is going to poke your stomach and keep your shoulders back with your chest up

Step 3

Lift your arms out straight to be in line with your shoulders

Step 4

Rotate your arms backwards in small circles, gradually making the circles bigger as is comfortable for you

Step 5

Repeat in a forwards direction, gradually making the circles bigger as is comfortable for you

Up & Down

Step 1

If the above feels ok, put both arms down to your sides and lift one up. Swap and lift the other arm up, lowering the first one down so one arm is up and one is down at the same time.

Narrow & Wide

Step 1

If these also feel ok, lift your arms out straight to be in line with your shoulders and then in across your chest to give yourself a ‘hug’

Step 2

Repeat in and out


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