App updates
Welcome to Groups
Say hello to your Group

Having a strong support network is a crucial part of the Roczen experience. Starting next week, you’ll be able to share stories, seek advice and celebrate your successes as you journey together with your Group.

Meet Your Mentor

The first person you’ll likely meet when you see your group pop up on the Conversations screen, will be your group Mentor. A Mentor’s job is to keep things running smoothly and will be around to facilitate discussions and provide advice & support.Occasionally, a Guest Mentor may join the conversation to assist, so keep an eye out and be sure to say hello.

Let's Stay Together

Your group will usually have around 25-50 peers who have all started their programme at a similar time to you. Join in conversations with others as you navigate the programme together with those who are going through the same experience.From tips & recipes to sharing your latest holiday snaps. Your group experience is whatever you want to make of it.

Your Biggest Champion

In your group you may find members who have a Champion tag next to their name. Champions are people who have found success on the programme and want to help. They are here to support you as someone who knows what it’s like to be in your shoes.Our Champions are more than happy to share their experience and knowledge with you, so make sure to reach out if you have any questions.

All The Info

In the top right corner of the group you will find the Group overview icon. Here you will find a list of your fellow group members (Mentors, Champions & peers) as well as access to helpful links should you have any questions regarding groups.

Don't Forget

You will need to update your app if you can't already see your Group in your app. To learn more and update you app, click the link here

December 10, 2024
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