Diet & nutrition
Understanding Food Labels

Understanding Food Labels: A Guide for Roczen Patients


Navigating food labels can be overwhelming, especially when managing your diet for better health outcomes. Understanding food labels is key whether you’re looking to control your weight, manage diabetes, or simply improve your nutrition. This guide will help you read food labels effectively, focusing on ingredient lists, hidden sugars, and nutritional values.

The ingredients list: What to look for
  • Order: Ingredients are listed by quantity, so those listed first make up the bulk of the product.
  • The shorter, the better: Products with shorter ingredient lists usually have fewer processed and artificial ingredients.
  • Natural ingredients first:. Aim for whole, natural ingredients and try to minimise how many unknown ingredients are in their (i.e. things you wouldn’t normally see in a kitchen cupboard or fridge).
  • Unfamiliar Ingredients: If an ingredient sounds like a chemical or you can’t pronounce it, it’s likely a preservative or additive. These often indicate the product is highly processed.
  • Example: A protein bar might be high in protein but may contain many artificial sweeteners and additives. A handful of nuts is a better snack option, providing both protein and healthy fats through ‘whole food’.
Identifying Added Sugars

Manufacturers often use various names for added sugars, making it tricky to spot them. Common names include:

  • Sucrose
  • High-fructose corn syrup
  • Barley malt
  • Dextrose
  • Maltose
  • Rice syrup
  • Agave nectar
  • Cane juice crystals
Natural vs. Added Sugars
  • Natural sugars: These are found in whole foods such as fruits and dairy. They come with essential nutrients like fiber, vitamins, and minerals that are beneficial for health.
  • Added sugars: Added to processed foods. These add extra calories with little to no nutritional value and should be limited. High consumption of added sugars can contribute to various health issues such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease.
  • It can help to look for ingredients ending in "-ose" or words like "syrup" or "nectar" to identify added sugars.
  • Example: An apple contains natural sugars, whereas sweet popcorn has added sugars. The apple also provides fiber, which aids digestion, while the sweet popcorn adds empty calories without significant nutritional benefits.
Nutritional Values: Decoding the Numbers
Understanding serving sizes

Check the serving size first. Nutritional information is based on a specific portion size, which might differ from the whole package, and often less than the average person would consume in one go.

  • A packet of salted nuts might list nutrition per serving, but the packet could contain multiple servings (we often consume more than what one serving suggests).
  • Example: If you eat the entire package, multiply the nutritional values (calories, fat, sugar, etc.) listed per serving by the total number of servings in the package.
Understanding the traffic light system and recommended daily intake
  • Color Indicators: The labels use red, amber, and green colors to show levels of fat, saturated fat, sugar, and salt in food products.
  • Green: Indicates low levels of a nutrient, making it a healthier choice. Foods with green labels align with lower percentages of your daily recommended intake.
  • Amber: Signifies medium levels, suggesting that the food is fine to eat occasionally or in moderation. These foods correspond to moderate percentages of your daily recommended intake.
  • Red: Indicates high levels of a nutrient, recommending that you limit these foods. Red labels represent high percentages of your daily recommended intake and should be eaten sparingly.
  • Reference Intakes: These percentages help you understand how much a portion of the food contributes to your daily recommended intake of fat, saturated fat, sugar, and salt, making it easier to manage a balanced diet.

Tips for Reading Labels Effectively
  • Compare products: Use labels to compare similar items and pick the one with better nutritional value.
  • Check claims: Be cautious of labels like "natural" or "low-fat." These are often marketing terms and do not necessarily mean the product is healthier, as they can be higher in sugar.
  • Look beyond calories: Focus not just on calories but on the quality of those calories. High-calorie foods can still be nutritious if they are packed with essential nutrients and come from whole food sources.
  • Mind the serving size: The listed serving size might be smaller than what you actually consume. Adjust the nutritional values accordingly.
  • Opt for whole foods: Choose foods with fewer ingredients and less processing. Whole foods typically have more nutrients and fewer additives.

Understanding food labels is essential for managing your diet and health. By learning to decode ingredient lists, spot hidden sugars, and interpret nutritional values, you can make better-informed food choices. Focus on whole foods, be mindful of serving sizes, and use RI percentages to gauge the nutritional quality of the products you buy. With these tips, you’ll be better equipped to choose healthier options and maintain a balanced diet.

September 13, 2024
Written by
Shweta Sidana
Reviewed by
Robbie Green
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