Top Tips for Celebrations and Eating Out

Top Tips for Celebrations and Eating Out

Celebrations, social events and holidays are special times often filled with joy, family, friends, and, of course, delicious food. For those mindful of their diet, these events can sometimes pose challenges. However, with some planning and thoughtful choices, you can enjoy these occasions without compromising your health goals. Here are some top tips for staying on track while still getting in the festive spirit.

Plan Ahead

Take a moment to plan in advance whether you're eating out or doing something at someone's home. Many restaurants post their menus online, so you can decide in advance what dishes fit your nutritional needs. Look for options that are grilled, baked, or steamed rather than fried or sautéed. Consider selecting a restaurant known for its healthy options to make your choices easier. Additionally, try to plan your day around celebration; for example, if you plan to go out for dinner, can you reflect this with lighter and more balanced choices in your other meals that day?

Stay Hydrated

Drink plenty of water throughout the day and with your meal. Sometimes, we can confuse thirst with hunger, leading to overeating. Additionally, water can help you feel fuller and reduce the likelihood of overindulging in high-calorie foods and drinks.

Eat Mindfully

Mindful eating is about savouring each bite and paying attention to your body's hunger and fullness cues. Take your time to enjoy your food, chew thoroughly, and engage in conversation. This can help prevent overeating and enhance your dining experience. Reflecting on the hunger scale in the Nutritional Guidelines to help you understand the fullness scale.

Balance Your Plate

Aim to fill half your plate with non-starchy vegetables or salad, a quarter with lean proteins (such as chicken, fish, or tofu), and a quarter with whole grains like quinoa. This balance ensures you get a variety of nutrients and helps control portion sizes.

Watch Your Portions

Restaurants often serve larger portions than necessary. Don't hesitate to ask for a half-portion or share a dish with a friend. Alternatively, you can request a takeaway box and save half of your meal for later, ensuring you don't overeat in one sitting.

Limit Sugary and Alcoholic Beverages

Both sugary drinks and alcoholic beverages can be high in calories. Opt for water or sparkling water, to reduce how many calories you are consuming. During the Reset Phase (weeks 1-12), it is recommended that you try to avoid alcohol. After this, if you drink alcohol, try to choose lower-calorie options like gin or vodka with sparkling water and a slice of lemon or lime. Always be mindful of your alcohol intake to stay within safe limits and avoid making poor food choices. 

Make Special Requests

Don't be afraid to ask for modifications to your meal. Request dressings and sauces on the side, ask for steamed vegetables instead of sautéed, or ask about substitutions for healthier options. Most restaurants are accommodating and happy to help you maintain your dietary preferences.

Indulge Wisely

It's perfectly okay to enjoy your favourite holiday treats. The key is moderation. Choose one or two special items that you truly love and savour them without guilt. This approach allows you to enjoy yourself without derailing your overall nutrition goals. This part can take time to master, and each time you try, it will offer something to learn from. It comes down to finding a balance between allowing enough flexibility to enjoy yourself still, but not so much that you regret your choices.

Stay Active

Incorporate physical activities into your celebrations. A family walk, a game of rounders, or even a dance party can add fun and help offset extra calories. Staying active is a great way to bond with family and friends while promoting health and boosting your mood.

Be Kind to Yourself

Remember that one meal or one day of indulgence is not going to ruin your overall health. Enjoy your celebrations, focus on the positive experiences, and aim to get back to your regular healthy routine as soon as you can.


Eating out during celebrations and holidays doesn't have to be a source of stress for those mindful of their nutrition. By planning ahead, making thoughtful choices, and embracing moderation, you can enjoy these special occasions while staying aligned with your health goals. Celebrate with joy and mindfulness, knowing that you can have both delicious food and good nutrition

September 13, 2024
Written by
Shweta Sidana
Reviewed by
Robbie Green
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