Tiny Habits: The Small Steps to Big Health Changes

Tiny Habits: The Small Steps to Big Health Changes

What we’ll cover

  • The concept of ‘tiny habits’
  • How to benefit from tiny habits in your own life
  • Example of tiny habits to get started with

The pursuit of better health can, at times, feel like an uphill battle. We set ambitious goals, only to be overwhelmed and discouraged when we can't meet our lofty expectations. But what if the secret to lasting change lies in the smallest of actions? Enter the concept of "Tiny Habits," an approach to behaviour change that helps us to avoid this trap and stay motivated.

The idea of tiny habits is that by focusing on small, easy-to-implement actions, we can create significant improvements in our lives over time. These habits are so minimal that they're almost impossible to fail at, yet they have the power to snowball into larger, more impactful changes.

How to harness the power of tiny habits to improve your health:

  • Start incredibly small: Choose actions so tiny they seem almost laughable. Instead of aiming to run a mile every day, start by putting on your running shoes.
  • Anchor to existing routines: Attach your new habit to something you already do consistently. For example, stepping on the spot whilst you brush your teeth.
  • Celebrate completion: After completing your tiny habit, it’s important to acknowledge and celebrate this. It could be as simple as marking a calendar for another day to complete the habit and celebrate the streak you’re on.
  • Focus on consistency: The goal is to make the habit so easy that you can do it even on your worst days.
  • Gradually increase: Once the tiny habit becomes automatic, slowly expand it. Maybe those few squats become a full minute or two minutes.

Ways to get started with ‘Tiny Habits’:

  • Drink a glass of water right after waking up
  • Do two minutes of deep breathing before bed
  • Add a tablespoon of nuts or seeds to one meal daily
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator once a day
  • Eat one extra vegetable serving per day
  • Walk for one minute after lunch

These habits might seem insignificant on their own, but their cumulative effect can be powerful. Just as small financial investments grow through compounding interest, consistent healthy behaviours can significantly improve physical and mental health, with each positive choice reinforcing and amplifying the effects of others.

Something that BJ. Fogg discusses in his book ‘Tiny Habits’, is the "Motivation Wave." He argues that motivation naturally fluctuates, so relying on it for long-term change is unreliable. Instead, we can bypass the need for high motivation by making habits tiny and tying them to existing routines.

Implementing tiny habits isn't about overnight transformation. It's about creating a foundation for sustainable change. As you build confidence and momentum with these small successes, you'll naturally be inclined to take on bigger challenges that align with this healthy foundation you’ve been building.


Remember, the path to better health doesn't have to be paved with overwhelming new commitments and herculean efforts. Sometimes, the tiniest steps can lead to the most significant changes. Start small, be consistent, and watch as these tiny habits grow into life-changing routines.

Ultimately, improving your health is not about radical changes or unsustainable diets. It's about the small, consistent actions you take every day. By embracing the power of tiny habits, you're setting yourself up for long-term success. 

October 11, 2024
Written by
Robbie Green
Reviewed by
Dr. Claudia Ashton
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