The 80:20 Rule
The 80:20 Rule

Finding the right balance is key in any journey towards better health and well-being. While discipline and structure are necessary, too much rigidity can lead to frustration and burnout. True success comes from creating a lifestyle that’s both effective and sustainable, where flexibility plays a crucial role. Instead of striving for perfection, embracing a more balanced approach allows you to enjoy life while still making progress toward your goals. This blend of consistency and adaptability will keep you motivated and on track for the long haul.

The 80:20 rule

The 80:20 rule is simple: 80% of the time, you stick to a healthy, balanced plan built around a nutrient-rich diet, regular exercise, and positive habits. The remaining 20% allows for some flexibility, where you can enjoy your favourite foods, relax your exercise routine, and be more lenient with your habits occasionally.

Establish your ‘core principles’

Before diving into the 80:20 rule, starting with a more disciplined and structured plan is helpful. This initial phase is about building a solid foundation that helps you see quick results, boosting your motivation and setting the stage for long-term success.

Once you’ve built a strong foundation and started seeing progress, the next step is transitioning to the 80:20 rule. Here’s how you can apply it effectively:

80% of the time: Follow your ‘core principles’

  • Healthy eating: Following a well-balanced and consistent diet is vital. Meal planning and preparing in advance will help you to incorporate the Roczen nutrition guidelines and stick with them seamlessly.
  • Regular exercise: Establish a consistent schedule for exercising. Aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity most days of the week while also trying to avoid long periods of sitting and being sedentary. It’s also important to incorporate different types of exercise, i.e. a combination of cardiovascular and strength training.
  • Routine & habits: Prioritise getting enough sleep (7-9 hours per night), drinking plenty of water, and practising self-care by managing stress and setting boundaries that protect your mental well-being.

20% of the time: Allow flexibility

  • Indulge in moderation: Enjoy your favourite treats or meals without guilt, but do so in moderation. For example, if you love pizza, have a slice or two on the weekend rather than an entire pizza.
  • Flexible fitness: Some days, if you’re not feeling your regular workout, choose something less strenuous or rest instead of ‘pushing through’ and compounding the fatigue.
  • Social events: Participate in social gatherings without stressing about every calorie. Enjoy the event, but prioritise healthier choices around this that help achieve balance overall.
  • Be kind to yourself: Remember, one small moment won’t define your outcomes. It’s what you’re doing the majority of the time that will. Isolated choices and moments of indulging will soon be diluted and balanced out once getting back to your ‘core principles’

Practical tips:

  • Planning: Knowing where you’ll be incorporating flexibility will help you to plan where more structure and discipline are needed at other points in the week.
  • Portion control: When indulging, try to stick to moderate portions still. For example, skip the starter course if you plan to have a dessert, choose a side salad instead of fries, and opt for an alcohol-free drink to break up drinking.
  • Stay active: Even on more relaxed days, try to stay active. A walk after dinner or light stretching will help you to feel energised.
  • Reflect: Regularly check in with yourself. If the 20% starts creeping into the 80%, don’t panic. Reflect on where habits may need adjusting and what small changes can help you to re-balance everything.


As you embrace the 80:20 rule, it's important to remember that one choice or moment of indulgence doesn’t undo all your hard work. Life is about balance, and allowing yourself some flexibility is critical to staying on track in the long run. If you enjoy a treat or skip a workout, don't let it derail your progress or lead to feelings of guilt. Instead, view it as part of your overall plan—a brief pause that helps you recharge and stay motivated. By not letting these moments throw you off course, you can maintain consistency and continue moving forward confidently, knowing that your balanced approach will lead to lasting success.

October 11, 2024
Written by
Robbie Green
Reviewed by
Dr. Claudia Ashton
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