Finding the right balance is key when working towards better health and well-being. While discipline and structure are important, being too rigid can lead to frustration and burnout. True success comes from creating a lifestyle that’s both effective and sustainable, and flexibility is needed as part of this. By focusing on consistency while allowing room for flexibility, you can stay motivated and enjoy the journey without feeling deprived.
The 80:20 rule
The 80:20 rule is simple, and this balanced approach makes it easier to stay on track without feeling restricted.
- 80% of the time, stick to healthy habits like eating a nutrient-rich diet, exercising regularly, and following positive routines.
- 20% of the time, allow for flexibility. Enjoy treats, take a break, or relax in you favourite ways.
Establish your ‘core principles’
Before applying the 80:20 rule, it can help to start with a structured and more rigid plan to build a strong foundation from. This initial phase helps to see quick results, boosting motivation and setting you up for long-term success.
Once you’ve established this routine of healthy habits, and feel ready to incorporate more flexibility, gradually transition to the 80:20 rule. Here’s how to apply it effectively:
80% of the time: Follow your ‘core principles’
- Healthy eating: Follow consistent healthy eating aligned with Roczen’s nutrition guidelines and your recommended food list. Plan meals in advance to make it easier to stay on track.
- Regular exercise: Aim for at least 30 minutes of activity most days, and avoid long periods of sitting. Include both cardio and strength training in your routine.
- Routine & habits: Prioritise sleep (7–9 hours a night), drink plenty of water, and manage stress through self-care and healthy boundaries.
20% of the time: Allow flexibility
- Indulge in moderation: No foods are off-limits and it’s ok to enjoy your favourites from time to time, but keep portions reasonable if they’re foods that don’t align with your plan. For example, enjoy a couple of pizza slices rather than an entire one.
- Flexible fitness: If you’re feeling tired, swap a high-intensity workout for light activity or take a rest day to recharge.
- Social events: Participate in gatherings without stressing over every detail. Balance your flexible choices with healthy choices around before and after the event - this will son even things out.
- Be kind to yourself: Don’t let one treat or skipped workout derail your efforts. Focus on the big picture; it’s what you’re doing 80% of the time which will have the real impact.
Practical tips:
- Plan ahead: Decide when and where you’ll be making more flexible choices, so you can ensure that you’re making more balanced choices around this.
- Portion control: When indulging, stick to moderate portions. For example, enjoy dessert instead of a starter or swap fries for a side salad.
- Stay active: Even on relaxed days, aim to keep moving with activities like walking or stretching.
- Reflect regularly: Check in with yourself. If the 20% starts creeping into the 80%, adjust your habits and make small changes to rebalance.
The 80:20 rule is about finding a sustainable balance between discipline and flexibility. It allows you to enjoy life while staying on track with your health goals.
Remember, one treat or skipped workout doesn’t undo your progress. Instead of feeling guilty, view these moments as part of your overall plan; moments that help make the more disciplined choices worth sticking with. By maintaining balance and staying consistent, you can achieve long-term success while enjoying the process.