Everyone living with Type 2 Diabetes should have these tests regularly to evaluate metabolic control and detect any possible complications. This can help you stay on top of your health and prevent any potential issues before they cause symptoms. If there are any tests you have not had yet, please book an appointment with your GP or Diabetes Care team.
See below for various tests and their frequencies. It's worth noting that you should record the date these tests were taken and what their results were. Whether you keep a record on your phone, in a notebook or you message your Roczen clinical team via the app, the most important part is to ensure your tests are up to date.
Every 6 months if stable or every 3 months if it is above target.
Weight and BMI - At least once yearly
Blood pressure measurement - At least once yearly
Eye test (retinal screening) - At least once yearly
Foot Check - At least once yearly
Lipid Profile check - At least once yearly
Kidney Function (serum Creatinine and eGFR) - At least once yearly
Urine test -At least once yearly