Intrinsic Vs Extrinsic Motivation: Finding Your Drive for Better Health
Intrinsic Vs Extrinsic Motivation: Finding Your Drive for Better Health

Understanding what motivates us can be the key to reaching and maintaining our goals. Two primary types of motivation come into play: intrinsic and extrinsic. Each has its unique characteristics and impacts on our behaviour. 

Intrinsic Motivation

Intrinsic motivation comes from within. It can be described as an inner drive that pushes you to engage in an activity because you find it personally rewarding or enjoyable. This type of motivation is self-driven, long-lasting, and provides a sense of personal satisfaction. When you're intrinsically motivated, you're more likely to persist with a behaviour, even when faced with obstacles. Examples of intrinsic motivation include:

  • Exercising because you enjoy how it makes you feel 
  • Eating nutritious foods because you like the taste and the energy they provide you
  • Deep breathing exercises because they help you to relax and improve your mood
  • Practicing yoga for the sense of mindfulness it brings you

Intrinsically motivated people often find it easier to maintain healthy habits over the long term. They're not dependent on external factors to keep them going, which can lead to more consistent and sustainable behaviour change.

Extrinsic Motivation

Extrinsic motivation, on the other hand, comes from external factors. It's driven by the desire to earn a reward or avoid a punishment. This type of motivation is influenced by outside pressures, often tied to specific outcomes or targets, and relies on external validation or consequences. While extrinsic motivation can be powerful, it may not always lead to long-term habit formation. Examples of extrinsic motivation include:

  • Exercising to achieve a certain body image or to meet others' expectations
  • Eating more healthily to fit into an outfit for a special event
  • Participating in a workout challenge to win a prize or gain peer recognition.
  • Tracking steps to earn rewards in a fitness app

Extrinsic motivators can be particularly useful when starting a new health routine or when you need an extra push! They can provide clear goals and immediate rewards, which can be encouraging in the short term.

Finding Your Balance

While both types of motivation can be effective, research suggests that intrinsic motivation often leads to more sustainable, long-term behaviour change. However, extrinsic motivators can be useful, especially when starting a new health routine or pushing through challenges. The key is to find a balance that works for you and to be aware of what's driving your actions.

Tips for motivation:

  • Identify activities you genuinely enjoy
  • Focus on how healthy behaviours make you feel
  • Set personal goals that align with your values and likes, making it easier to rely on your intrinsic motivation
  • Use external rewards as initial or occasional motivators
  • Join supportive communities for accountability
  • Gradually shift from extrinsic to intrinsic motivators over time


It’s important to remember that what motivates us will change over time. The key is to stay aware of what drives you and adapt your approach accordingly. Some days, you might be fueled by the pure enjoyment of a workout, while other days, you might need the promise of a reward to get you moving.

Try to harness a mix of both intrinsic and extrinsic motivators. Start with activities you genuinely enjoy, and use external goals or rewards to give yourself an extra boost when needed. Pay attention to how different activities make you feel, and try to connect your health goals to your deeper values and aspirations.

October 11, 2024
Written by
Robbie Green
Reviewed by
Dr. Claudia Ashton
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