Diet & nutrition
The Science Behind a 'Lower' Carbohydrate Intake

The Science Behind  a ’Modified’ Carbohydrate Intake

What we'll cover:
  • What we mean by the term 'modified carbohydrates'
  • The 'why' behind our advice to modify your carbohydrate intake
  • The range of benefits that our advice provides

The Roczen programme is built on pillars of scientific research, particularly in metabolic health and nutrition. From our in-depth understanding of the evidence, one effective strategy established is the 'modification' of carbohydrate intake, meaning not just to the quantity but also the quality of carbohydrates. Throughout the world, carbohydrates often make up a large part of people's diets, commonly in the form of highly processed carbohydrates.

Therefore, our recommendation of 'modified' carbohydrates refers to the fact that reducing portion sizes and reliance on refined carbohydrates, as well as opting for higher-protein and fibre-rich sources is often a 'modification'. With this advice, we can kick-start weight loss while simultaneously boosting our health. 

In this article, we want to explain the 'why' behind our advice and give you the scientific rationale for how this can benefit your health. 

Improve blood sugar regulation

One of the main benefits of reducing refined carbohydrates is better blood sugar regulation. Refined carbohydrates, found in foods like white bread, pastries, and sugary drinks, are quickly broken down and absorbed into the bloodstream, causing a rapid rise in blood sugar levels. This sudden influx can overwhelm the body's ability to produce insulin, the hormone responsible for transporting glucose into cells for energy. Over time, this can lead to insulin resistance, which is often the catalyst for type 2 diabetes and other metabolic disorders.

In contrast, high-fibre and protein-rich carbohydrates, such as certain grains, lentils,  beans, and vegetables, are digested more slowly, resulting in a more gradual and sustained release of glucose into the bloodstream. This steady energy supply helps maintain stable blood sugar levels, reducing the strain on the body's insulin production and promoting better metabolic health.

Improved satiety 

Another huge advantage of embracing higher-protein and higher-fibre carbohydrates is their ability to promote satiety or the feeling of fullness. Protein and fibre take longer to digest, leaving you feeling satisfied for a more extended period of time after meals. This can help curb cravings and overeating, which are common pitfalls when trying to lose weight.

Additionally, protein requires more energy to digest and process, leading to a slight increase in calorie burn compared to carbohydrates or fats. This minor boost in metabolism, combined with increased satiety can help to create a calorie deficit that supports sustainable weight loss over time.

Improved nutritional quality

Minimally processed sources of carbohydrates, such as vegetables, whole grains, and legumes, are rich in essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. These nutrients support overall health, including boosting the immune system, promoting healthy skin and hair, and reducing inflammation.

By prioritising these nutrient-dense carbohydrate sources, you support your weight-loss efforts and ensure that your body receives a wide range of beneficial micronutrients. This, in turn, can lead to improved energy levels, better digestion, and a reduced risk of long-term diseases.


Embracing a diet favouring higher-protein and fibre-rich carbohydrates over their 'refined' and highly processed counterparts can be a powerful tool for achieving sustainable weight loss and improving health. This approach addresses various aspects of well-being by improving blood sugar levels, boosting satiety, and enhancing overall nutrient intake. Remember, small, consistent changes can lead to significant improvements over time, so regardless of how quickly you decide to make changes - keep reflecting on where you were before Roczen and how different your dietary choices are becoming.

October 11, 2024
Written by
Robbie Green
Reviewed by
Dr. Claudia Ashton
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